Today's question comes from Katie B. in Dallas
"Hi Derek Love your newsletters, keep them coming! I have a question for you about sleep - or actually a lack of it. I usually get about 8 hours of sleep a night, however I have a big problem actually staying asleep. I don't feel refreshed in the morning. What do you think? Any ideas?"
Great question Katie.
I've talked about this before, but sleep is probably the most overlooked factor when it comes to your health. If you're getting 5 hours of bad sleep each night, no amount of healthy eating and exercise are going to make you feel good. You'll always feel worn out. For me personally, here's what has worked...
First, I noticed a big difference in the quality of my sleep when I started eating better. A lot of the foods that we eat everyday, particularly sugar and processed junk, will really throw off your sleep at night.
Second, I have a few little tricks I use before bed that always seem to work well for me...The first one involves a cup of hot water, and I mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey (real honey) in with it. I usually drink this about 30 minutes before bed. I couldn't tell you the medical reason for why this works, but it does. My gut tells me that it helps you breathe better, which ends up making you sleep more peacefully through the night. After I drink it, I instantly notice that breathing through my nose is much easier than normal. Which makes sense. I don't have any double-blind, placebo based studies to prove that it works. But I use it a few times a week before bed and it always does the trick.
Also there is a great magnesium drink that you can find on Amazon.com and places like Whole Foods called "Calm" that will knock you out pretty well. I've used this before, and it definitely does the trick if I drink it about an hour before bed.
IT WORKS, provides several products that will benefit your throughout the day and help you with your overall gut health which in turn benefits your overall health.
Hope that helps with your sleep troubles.
God bless,
Derek Fitzhenry
Check out IT WORKS, "Greens", they are the best I've used of all of the line of Greens that are being sold out there.
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