Derek Fitizhenry here and I'd like to discuss youth sports injuries and youth strength training. It is so important to an athletes career and athletic programs across the nation. High School coaches have seen this for years. Daddies mean well and they want the best for their son however they push them in the sport of baseball to the point of breaking and this is more common than uncommon. Dad's don't understand the importance of training the body for strength and condition along with hitting, fielding and pitching. The body will respond to training at a young age but that training has to be multiple and safe. Using body lifts for kids under 12 is a great way to begin to strengthen the body. Sprint training and plyometrics can begin at 3 years old and go a long way in preventing injuries. To many dads view strength training as a "football" thing but it's not about football it's about injury prevention and enhancing athletic ability. YOU CAN TRAIN FAST TWITCH MUSCLE. and fast twitch muscle is important in all sports.
Read article HERE
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